Are Ghosts (and Spirits) Real?
Are There Real Ghosts or Spirits and Are They Evil? What Are Ghosts? Ghosts are deceased entities who used to possess a human body and still can interact in some form or fashion with the world of the living. They are made of energy or spirit. Ghosts are most commonly entities who have not crossed […]
Are Money Spells Real?
Wiccan Wealth and Money Spells That Work What Are Money Spells? Money spells are spiritual rituals or exercises which draw a money-attracting energy to a person, aura, business, or institution of some kind. Nearly as far back as mankind has conceived money, there has been focus on the energy needed to obtain it. Money spells […]
How to Properly Cleanse a Home or Property
Cleansing Your Home or Property What is a Home Cleansing? Homes come in all shapes, colors, sizes, and spiritual alignments. Some homes are calm, soothing, and peaceful places. Other homes or properties can be possessed, negative, energy-sucking, or just down-right evil. Whether the home is possessed, or a new family is moving in, a home […]
How to Cast a Talisman or Amulet
Making Your Own Talisman or Amulet What is a Talisman? In short, a talisman is a spiritual object, usually jewelry or a crystal, which is bestowed with the potency of a spell. Usually, it is crafted to make the spell results stronger or to improve the connection between the practitioner and the target goal or […]
List of Crystals and Their Use in Magick
Comprehensive Crystal List: Physical Appearance, Magickal Properties, and Spiritual Uses Using Crystals in Magick or Spiritual Healing Crystal magick and crystal healing have been around for thousands of years. Some techniques are far stronger than others, and some will provide faster results. There are crystals of all types of power and ability, although, it could […]
How are Crystals Used in Magick and Healing?
What is Crystal Magick (or Crystal Healing)? A Brief History of Crystals and Their Use in Spiritual Practices The beauty of the crystal and their many different formations and colors have fascinated people throughout all of history. Crystals have a strong holding in many older cultures including Ancient China, Egypt, Greece, India, Japan, and Rome. […]
Is Negative Energy Ruining Your Life?
How to Tell If Negative Energy or “Bad Karma” Is Destroying Your Life Background Information About Negative Karma and Energy Negative energy can come in all shapes and forms. Sometimes, it comes in an innocuous fashion, like a bad dream. Other times, negativity can manifest in one’s life with more obvious prominence, such as the […]
Love Spells and Free Will
Do Love Spells Alter or Affect Free Will? What is Free Will? Free will, in the spiritual sense, is one’s ability to control their own destiny, make their own decisions, and choose what to do with their life. This can be as simple as choosing what to eat for breakfast. It can also mean more […]
Is It Possible to Contact the Dead?
Can You Contact the Other Side? The deceased are almost always accessible in some fashion. The type of seance or reading may have an effect on the type of response a deceased spirit can provide; and some spirits will respond better to different types of seances and energies. But the short answer is: yes, it […]
Hello From Ancient Wicks Witches Coven
Merry Meet, Friends! Our blog will be the most direct way to gain better understanding over our craft, celebrations, and belief systems. We will reveal as much as we are allowed to and give you insight as to how we practice. Our spells may be well-learned, family-taught, and contain a lot of coveted techniques, but […]